*You declared on VIDEO “Yoruba Nation” and raised a flag.
*You boasted on VIDEO that you will open all borders in the Southwest because they now fall under your declared nation.
*Your supporters with the banners having your picture and chant of your name invaded Idiroko border, disarmed customs officers and beat them up on livestream VIDEO.
*You never came up with any form of disclaimer VIDEO or AUDIO at least to prove that those supporters acted not on your instruction.
*You also on VIDEO urge some group of men to pick up arms and you said even if these men don’t know where to get those arm, you will get it for them. You urge them to record what you are saying on video because no one can tell you not to pick up arms.
*You threatened on VIDEO that if 1000 security agent dare come for you, only 100 will be fortunate to survive.
*DSS got a hint that those arms and ammunition collected from customs officers at Idiroko border are in your house.
*Your house was raided by the DSS.
*One of your supporters (Lady K) who passed the night in your residence made a live stream VIDEO as at the hour the raid was ongoing and said with the words of her mouth that the Nigerian Military were in your residence shooting.
*Lady K said with the words of her mouth on live stream VIDEO that “Our Warriors too are presently ‘fighting back’ the military.
(This statement alone will be used against you in court because it authenticates the fact that you and your supporters were actually armed)
*Lady K on live stream VIDEO called on other Yoruba Nation Warriors to come to their rescue by attacking the military from behind and make sure none of them is spared (Oku le l’eja nta).
*The DSS/Military power arm subdued that of your ‘warriors’.
*Your ‘warriors’ were paraded on VIDEO together with the arms and ammunition they stole from Customs officers at Idiroko border. Also your phones and PASSPORT were displayed
*Two of your warriors fell to the bullets during the course of “fighting back” (according to Lady k’s recorded account) the military.
*You escaped during the course of gun exchange between your ‘warriors and the DSS”
*The word ‘escape’ was used because you said on PHONE CALL with the BBC that you were at home and saw the DSS/Military officers through your window calling you to surrender yourself.
*You were declared wanted by the state on VIDEO and also advised to report your self to the nearest police station.
*You went into hiding for 19 days and was captured like chicken while you were trying to sneak your way out of Africa through Benin Republic airport
*Lastly, it is also reported that you got a passport fraudulently in Benin Republic. Of course, you were left with only such option because the DSS already displayed your passport and that means it’s in their custody.
The Video links to all the above events are also attached to this write up so that all your supporters celebrating your ‘Lori Iro’ release & departure to Germany will know how dip you are in trouble.