Emotional Anger

Emotional Anger

Dealing with emotions is never easy, especially when we are angry. Anger is an emotion, but at what time it gets in the way with our own life and other peoples lives, it becomes a critical dilemma. Emotions are obsolete in that it is a feeling that causes the body to react to changes within the person, and prepares the person for instant energetic action. Fear is the root of anger and the trigger that instigates the emotion that sets anger in front of the mind. When a person feels threatened mentally, then this person will often react out of fear.

The fear is ingrained deep within the emotion, therefore the person is not always capable of decipher what caused the anger. When this happens (depending on the level of fear and situation involved), the person will react by emotion or thought to the problem. If the person is not thinking when he or she reacts, then most likely a disaster will occur. The mind is where it is at and if we are taught to use our head in all situations, then we probably will not have a difficulty controlling our anger.

However, if we are taught to react to emotions that trick the mind then we most likely will endure hardship throughout our lifetime. Contrary to beliefs, the emotions are more apt to trigger a delusion rather than help us to react maturely in all situations. If you are in a dangerous situation and allow your emotions to rule your mind then you most likely will meet dangers fate. For example, if you are triggered to fight and your emotions are roaring you will not think of the solutions available to avoid the fight. Now if you are thinking you know that you can talk a person out of their state of mind affectively, or you could simply walk away.

This does not work in all fights, but it works in most. Your emotions will play a role in the fight, since anger is an emotion, but thought is where it is happening to get out of the problem. We can see this when a couple are arguing. We know that if both are yelling and screaming at each other the problem increases. We know that both parties are emotional charged. Now if one person is using their head then they might be able to see the problem and find a solution for dealing with it. They might even see that the problem is ridiculous and point this out to the other person that may not see.

We know down through the years when children fought they often became friends later when they realized that the fight was foolish. Therefore, emotions played a role, tricking the children into believing that the fight was justifiable. If thought were in motion the children would have talked through the problem and worked out an arrangement between them to solve whatever was bothering them. Anger is a learned behavior that we all must deal with, whether directly or indirectly. When we live in a system that teaches us violence is the answer to problems, then it is more difficult to unleash the angered persons in society to control their behaviors. Now we see that influence plays a role in anger problems. Since leaders tell us that violence is good when you cannot control another person or group of people, then we are dealing with influences.

It is impossible to avoid negative influences most times, but we can learn a better way by adhering to facts and the good things in life. Looking on the positive side, we can see that war has caused many problems to our system and has benefited no one. We can see the negative by viewing the leaders in action. Now if you act out in violence in society you are going to jail. There are consequences for your behavior. Therefore, what rulers get away and teach us, they also teach us that superiority plays a role in control and anger. Learning to think positive is not as difficult as it seems. Repeat and recite that today is going to be a good day for me!

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