Modern Technology And Adult Dyslexia

Modern technology has wonderfully developed through the years of intensive research and testing. The efforts of these researches have not come to waste since now the products are used to help people cope up with their disabilities and difficulties, whether acquired or natural.

Nowadays, you use a number of accessible devices that could practically help you with your difficulties. However, which specific device to use would highly depend on your condition’s nature and severity.

Devices For Spelling And Grammar

If spelling and grammar are your major problem areas, modern technology has something to offer you. There are now devices that have spell-checkers to correct your spelling, and grammar checkers for your grammar correction.

Additionally, most of the modern computers now also have these kinds of features, which can be invaluable to you. Such features work by showing you your spelling and grammar mistakes and by providing you with the correct form while giving you the option to change what you have already written.

Electronic Dictionaries

Electronic dictionaries are similar to conventional ones, only that they are somewhat easier to use and faster. This kind of device gives you word definitions, synonyms antonyms, and pronunciation.

This can also be helpful if you are learning a new language, since some can provide you translations too. Using one is pretty easy since all you have to do is type in the word and you can instantly see the vital information about the word.

Audio Machines

You can also use dictating machines to aid you with understanding what you are reading. Tape recorders are also useful, especially if you are studying and you’re finding it hard to follow what your teacher is saying. In this way you can listen to what you have recorded, even after class hours.

Audio-typing programs are also available. All you have to do is dictate the data that you want to be encoded, and your computer would automatically do the encoding.

Text to speech programs are somewhat similar, only that they work the other way around. Here you can hear the encoded data on your computer by clicking on a button that would let the computer speak out the data.


Even normal people benefit from this machine; for dyslexia that has numbers as the waterloo, a calculator is obviously of great help.

Memory telephones

Since short-term memory is a big problem for dyslexics, remembering phone numbers can already be a tedious task for you. So to save you from this endeavor, you can make us of memory telephones that have the feature of storing phone numbers and automatically dialing them.

Electronic Organizers

Time management, scheduling and organizing are some of the other problem areas that dyslexics face. That is why you can try using electronic organizers to help you with your schedule. These can be useful by reminding you about your appointments, deadlines and meetings. You can also use it to list down some tasks that you have to complete for the day.

Voice-activated Computers

Another great tool would be voice activated computers. Here there’s no need for typing of any sort of data. You can control the whole computer just by dictating your commands. You can also dictate any information that you want to be encoded in your computer’s word processing program. However, this kind of gadget can cost you a lot.

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